Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness week and this year the theme is ‘Kindness’. The BID would like to ask everyone to be kind to each other especially through these anxious times and please remember you are NEVER alone.
Government Guidance on Managing Risk of COVID-19
If you are preparing for your business to open over the coming weeks or are currently open, the government has released the guidance below in relation to managing the risk of COVID-19. There is also a compliance poster that must be displayed in your venue. […]
BID Team continues to offer support!
Whilst making some enquiries with an events company the BID recommended some support that may be available to them. We have received this amazing feedback and thanks following this conversation. ‘I just wanted to send you a huge […]
Billingham’s Florist
Due to Government restrictions we have been closed for business since 24th March, and whilst restrictions still remain in place we are now able to offer contactless deliveries from Saturday 9th May for orders placed via our website , email or phone 0121 […]
VE Day Competition
To join in the 75th VE Day celebrations we are launching our exciting competition. We would like you to design a poster for the VE day celebrations using the template below. Once you have designed your poster take a photograph of it and send it to us via email The closing date is midnight […]
Sandwell Business Grants
Sandwell Council has now paid ‘lifeline’ grants to more than 1,500 businesses – worth a total of £18.1 million – to help them tackle the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19). But over 2,100 businesses have yet to respond to a council letter requesting information to process grants. Please apply […]
Bounce Back Loans
The Government have announced a new scheme for those in need of smaller loans. Businesses can apply for the new Bounce Back Loans up to a maximum of £50,000, or 25% of turnover, with the government paying the interest for the first 12 months. The loans […]
The BID Team are back!
The BID team are gradually getting back into the town supporting and checking on businesses whilst the town is quiet. We are also checking on our vulnerable within the town with our key partners EPO’s. If you see us about please say […]