West Bromwich Town BID Partnership Working
It was great to see fantastic partnership working yesterday with PCSO Brookes and the Youth Street Watch patrolling the town.
Keeping Our Town Tidy
The BID were working hard again this weekend to make our town cleaner and litter free. Someone had even kindly been sick for us to clean it up ……. at least the streets are clean for this weeks trading. Please notice we jet wash […]
Data Sharing Agreement
West Bromwich BID are proud to announce that today the BID and key partners Kings Square New Square Shopping Centre Queens Square Shopping Centre and Astle Park Retail Park have all signed a Data Sharing Agreement with West Midlands Police Sandwell Police. Working together in […]
Business Crime Reduction Partnership
The BID have delivered another well attended BCRP meeting working together with key partners and businesses within the town centre/BID area.
West Bromwich Town BID – Looking After Your Town
The BID are out again in action: last night we did an Intense Jetwash on the High Street to try and keep the town cleaner Some of the businesses mentioned to the BID team about a driveway at the back of their shops which needed some […]
Business Plan Launch
The West Bromwich Town BID team will be on the High Street tomorrow delivering our 2020-2025 Business Plans to businesses who will be taking part in our renewal ballot during February and March. Please note due to the team being out delivering Business Plans – the launch event at […]
West Bromwich Town BID – Business Plan Launch Event
The BID Team were out again last week delivering our 2020-2025 Business Plans to businesses within the BID area. We were also in Central Library answering any questions about the Business Plan or the BID. We will be out delivering again this Thursday on the […]
Sidhu Pharmacy
NO FEE AND NO FUSS! Sidhu Pharmacy appreciate that not everyone is able to pick up their medication between 8:30am and 6pm (9:00-13:00 Saturdays). So they have a dedicated delivery team that will get your medication to your chosen address free of charge! Simply ring […]