Cleaner and Greener
Following on from our photo’s from the areas that we have cleaned up this week, below are the before and after photographs from Price Street. I think you will agree there is a big improvement. BEFORE AFTER Keep your eyes out for more photographs of our cleaner and greener areas.
Cleaner & Greener
Here at the BID we have had a few areas cleaned up around the town to make them cleaner, tidier and overall more presentable. Have a look below at our impressive before and after photographs. BEFORE AFTER Keep your eyes open on our social media pages and our website all […]
Repair of Slabs
Whilst the ambassadors were on patrol they spotted sunken dangerous slabs on Walter Street/High Street. We report this to Sandwell MBC and they have now been repaired.
Town Centre Litter-Pick 26th November 2019
The BID team have organised another litter-pick on Tuesday 26th November 2019 at 10am to 12pm with @Litterwatch1. If you would like to join us meet at 10am by Subway on Astle Park. Volunteers welcome
Grafitti Removal – Kings Square Cinema
West Bromwich Town BID have completed more grafitti removal this weekend at Kings Square Cinema loading bay. This is part of the cleaning project to make sure our town is tidy Please see above before and after photos
BID News v19
West Bromwich Town BID are proud to release our version 19 of our BID News Please have a look and enjoy reading
British Heart Foundation
Pop along to British Heart Foundation by Farley Fountain for some new electrical goods or furniture. All for an amazing charity.
Rak-Su are coming to West Bromwich to switch our Christmas lights on
West Bromwich Town Christmas Lights Event has now been confirmed Saturday 30th November 2019 16.30pm to 19.00pm Whole event will take place by Farley Fountain/Little Dessertz, High Street 18.30pm the lights will be switched on by Rak-Su Other local entertainment will be from Sandwell College, DanceQube and local band Wounded Spirit This event is funded […]