Message from West Bromwich Police Team

Message from West Bromwich Police Team –
We’ve been working hard to address the issues that matter to you in West Bromwich this week.
We’ve been out to see the improved CCTV control room in Birmingham where operators monitor cameras at transport hubs across the West Midlands. They alert us immediately to signs of disorder or suspicious activity, so that we can respond quickly.
We have carried out 19 stop and searches in the town, with a 19-year-old man arrested and charged for possession of an imitation firearm in a public place. Several others were arrested for a variety of offences including drugs, weapons, fraud and traffic violations.
Our priorities for the area are youth violence, drug dealing and use, and street drinkers. We work with local college ambassadors and the Business Improvement District (BID), as well as others, to tackle this.
We regularly stop to chat with young people in the town centre, especially during the busiest times of day between 2.30 and 6pm.
We have a number of police surgeries coming up where you can find out what we’re doing, and let us know what matters to you. They’re held at:
- New Square shopping centre
- King Square shopping centre
- West Bromwich Library
Check out West Bromwich Town Twitter account for dates and times.
Or come along to Coffee with a copper @ the Let’s Chat hub in the bus station. The next one is 9 Feb from 10-11am.
You can also sign up to our localised messaging service WMNow to hear our latest news here