Almost 70% of West Bromwich Businesses in favour of town centre BID

One-to-one BID consultations with retailers have been taking place throughout June and July. Current feedback indicates that almost 70% of West Bromwich retailers are in favour of the town centre becoming a Business Improvement District.
The BID will pay for services over and above those which are already being provided by Sandwell Council. So far, businesses have stated that they wish to see high profile marketing campaigns; town centre ambassadors; extra deep cleaning projects, and an enhanced yearly events programme for the town.
BIDs are business-led partnerships that generate significant income through a small extra contribution from local businesses, delivering specific additional projects in a defined area. The detailed content of the BID is developed in consultation with local businesses, and tailored to the needs of the business community.
Mel Glasby, Chair of the West Bromwich Town Centre Partnership, added: “This is great news at such an early stage in the BID development. We now need to keep up the momentum to ensure that we secure a ‘yes’ vote early next year. All of these projects will help West Bromwich remain a competitive leisure and retail destination.”
John Hodgkiss, West Bromwich BID Co-ordinator added: “Nearly all of the retailers that I have met with are incredibly positive about the future of West Bromwich town centre. Some major regeneration projects have been undertaken in West Bromwich recently and the BID will be a way to further improve and enhance the retail offer, attracting even more shoppers and investment to the area.
For further information, please contact John Hodgkiss, West Bromwich town centre BID Co-ordinator on 0121 553 3074.