Summer Beach Party in New Square Shopping Centre raised fund for local children

A SUMMER BEACH PARTY has raised funds to help local children in Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust by improving their environment.
New Square Shopping Centre in West Bromwich and Hills Funfair donated £800 to the children’s wards at the Trust, after a fun-filled August. Throughout the month, New Square held a beach party so that shoppers could experience all of the fun associated with the seaside, despite being in the West Midlands, over 100 miles from the nearest coast.
Fairground attractions such as ‘hook-a-duck’ and mini waltzers were kindly supplied by Hills Funfair for the event as well as a vintage carousel, which has previously been featured on television.
The £800 will go towards further decoration of Lyndon Ground ward for paediatric care, as the simplest of wall art can make a big different in the care of children.
“Our aim is to improve the ward environment by use of wall stickers with child friendly themes catering for all children admitted” said Paul Duflot, Matron for Acute Paediatrics at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals.
“From nursing experience, we find that wall decorations, with pictures and colours that children can relate to, improve the child’s emotional and physical wellbeing, and also promotes normalisation, in line with therapeutic play.
“We have also found that colourful surroundings with artwork encourage a friendly environment which helps when carrying out medical and nursing procedures by offering distraction, and desensitising the hospital experience.
“We are very appreciative of New Square’s donation as it will enable us to improve the patients experience with positive memories, and outcome.”
It is hoped that this will be one of many joint events with the organisations, and discussions have already begun about future projects that can help to raise money for services provided at the Trust.
Steve Burr, Centre Manager at New Square is very happy about the success of the event and is pleased to help such a worthy cause.
“It’s a pleasure for us to be able to make this donation to the children’s ward at Sandwell Hospital.
“We were delighted that our summer beach event was so successful, enabling New Square to put something back into the local community.”
Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust is grateful for all donations and Fundraising and Communications Officer Steve Smith echoes this sentiment.
“On behalf of our patients and staff we want to wish a huge thank you to the team at New Square and Patrick’s guys at Hills Funfair for their generosity.”